Choosing VoIP Messaging over SMS? Here are 4 Limitations of VoIP to Consider

VoIP calling and messaging has secured an important place in business communications due to their unique advantages.
To make the best out of VoIP, it’s always good to pair it up with another channel like SMS.
This way, firms can reap the advantages of the internet and traditional messaging-both. So, by using VoIP and SMS together, businesses can strengthen their communication strategies and connect with customers the way they want.
But relying entirely on VoIP for business communication can turn out to be the worst business decision due to certain limitations of VoIP.
VoIP Limitations for Business
Not only for large enterprises but there are also several VoIP advantages for small enterprises too.
But, it has certain limitations also like any other channel that you should be aware of when choosing it as a sole channel for business communication.
Dependency on Internet
There is a large chunk of users who are still not comfortable using smartphones. Instead, they use a basic handset for calling and messaging purposes.
With VoIP, it is not feasible to reach out to such customers.
Moreover, you need to ensure that your recipients have an active internet connection to send and receive text messages while performing any Salesforce text operations.
So, if users choose VoIP over SMS, it could limit your reach as you could only reach out to a specific segment of smartphone users.
Internet-related Issues
Another biggest challenge faced by users while using VoIP is the connectivity issue. Internet speed matters the most while connecting with audiences using VoIP.
VoIP operations need a more stable connection than usual web surfing.
So, if you’re counting on VoIP only for communications, you can expect seamless communication as long as you have high-speed internet connectivity.
Once the bandwidth gets low, be prepared for delayed messaging operations or low deliverability of text and call drops.
Dependency on Another End Recipient
Unlike SMS, delivery of VoIP text messages depends on another end recipient to a great degree.
There are chances that a customer data pack is over or the network connection is switched off.
In both scenarios, the text would not get delivered to a recipient, or the SMS delivery would be late.
This way, your text messages can lose their impact. Further, if texts are time-sensitive, it could cause inconvenience to prospects and customers.
Dependency on Power Requirements
Modem routers, analog telephone adaptors, and other VoIP hardware devices are some of the prerequisites that you need to plug into the power supply to use VoIP. Also, there’s no internet connectivity in the absence of a power supply.
This restricts your capability to send messages and make calls. But this is not the case with text messages, as text messaging doesn’t t require a power supply.
Thus, you can send text messages even if you’re on the go and don’t have a power supply or internet connection. And that’s what makes SMS more reliable.
SMS and VoIP: Better Together
Without a doubt, VoIP brings several advantages to a business. But there are certain limitations of VoIP that you should be aware of before choosing VoIP over SMS for business communications. Rather than counting merely on VoIP, choosing SMS with VoIP is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your business interactions and choose the best depending on the business requirement.
To know more about how VoIP and SMS can help your business vertical, get in touch with our experts at care@360smsapp.com or contact us here.