A Comprehensive Study of 360 SMS Ringless Voicemail
Perform Salesforce Voicemail Marketing at Scale, Reduce Manual Typing
A human touch can make a world of difference to any business communication.
Compared to traditional business communication methods, like emails, voicemails help establish a more personalized connection with audiences. With Salesforce voicemail messaging, agents can initiate conversations on a personal note and make sure each word gets heard.
Not only do voicemails let agents get around unanswered calls but allow them to put forth their message in a humanized way. On the flipside, rather than making repetitive calls to communicate with an audience, callers can switch to voicemails for sure-shot information delivery.
Luckily, 360 SMS app is a no-code, feature-loaded app that meets all your messaging requirements. Surprisingly, this texting app isn’t just limited to SMS, but extends to six pre-integrated channels at no extra cost, including Ringless voicemails from Salesforce.
Why you should care about of Salesforce Voicemail Drops
Calls made for sales, marketing, or any other purpose might not reach customers or prospects at a convenient time. When a phone rings in the middle of a meeting or intense work, it could invite the customer’s frustration and ire. This is where Ringless Salesforce Voicemail drop shines. It lets you convey your messages silently without an intrusive ring.
So, even without disturbing your prospects during their core work hours, you can interact with them. Ringless voicemails register a quiet presence on the user’s hand-held devices, giving them an illusion of a missed call which gets stored in the user’s voicemail inbox. They can access this later on, whenever they are free from other tasks.
How 360 SMS Ringless Voicemails Can Help Your Business
To be precise, voicemails save employees effort and time, cutting back on typing grunt work while reaching out to millions of people. Voicemails help employees to distill weeks of work into hours with pre-built templates. As a result, they can focus more on core priority work areas. Also, it improves employee’s efficiency allowing them to record, upload and schedule voicemails. This could help with convenient Salesforce voicemail marketing at scale. Employees can easily interact with a large volume of audiences without investing too much time.
1. Use Voicemail Templates for canned responses
Faster communication processes have become a critical priority for businesses to connect with massive audiences. This is where templates can help to bring down the turnaround times. The complete solution that it is, 360 SMS app not only allows users to build text templates, but brings the best ringless Salesforce voicemail automation, where they can create voicemail templates too.
The best part about voice templates is they are easy and quick to build. With minimal work, you can record, update and save templates for future use. You could create dedicated templates for multiple festivals, customer birthdays, anniversaries, or other life-events.
Also, you can create templates depending on the common use-cases for different departments like sales, marketing, and service. You could arrange these pre-built voicemail templates in a folder and use them later for Salesforce voicemail broadcasts. This would help you cut back on effort and time-investment and makes it easy and convenient for employees to shoot voicemails within timeframes.
2.Add a Personal Touch with Voice Messages over 1-on-1 Conversations
360 SMS app also lets you send 1-on-1 voicemails through a Conversation View. It gives you a view of all conversation histories in one pane. You can use this much familiar ‘chat-like’ interface alongside pre-built templates from a template folder, or simply record and save a new voice message instantly and upload them into 360 SMS for use.
3. Target Audiences Based on Audience-size
Voicemails through List Views For Small Handpicked Audience Segments
When it comes to business communication, the target audience segments are usually larger and organizations need scalable, more convenient communication channels.
With this in mind, in addition to other messaging channels, 360 SMS lets you interact with audiences at scale and much faster using SMS and Voicemails.
List View is a custom list that you can create by applying filters and logic depending on the requirement. Later on, you can use this list to schedule or send voicemails instantly to up to 2k recipients with the help of the Salesforce voicemail drop service in 360 SMS.
Voicemails through Campaigns For Small Lists or Selections of Audience Segments
Just as you can get customizable List Views to send voice messages, you can customize campaigns too. To target members of a specific campaign, you can select and schedule voicemail templates to send them.. If required, you can also add new members to an existing campaign or create a new campaign. You can send voice messages to up to 2k campaign members in one go using pre-built voice templates, recordings, or instantly recorded voice messages.
For Larger Audience Segments: Voicemails through Reports
In case you want to target a large audience segment, you don’t need a separate app integration with Salesforce to push ringless voicemail at scale.
360 SMS more than meets the challenge. It gets around Salesforce Governor Limits on audience size by sending voicemail through Reports and targeting millions of prospects and customers in one fell swoop. Whether it’s about targeting a smaller or larger segment, 360 SMS’ bulk capabilities let you scale communication conveniently depending on the use-case.
A Single-View Console: Manage Conversations & Send Bulk Voice Replies
360 SMS has a Conversation Manager that fulfills most of your messaging requirements and allows you to perform messaging operations from a single window pane. The Conversation Manager enables you to perform in-line editing. As a result, you can edit and update Salesforce records without navigating to the record page. You can filter List Views by keyword responses and use them to reply through voicemails or SMSes. You could even export these lists to PDFs or Excels. Conveniently, you can use pre-built templates, instantly recorded voicemails or pre-recorded messages from the computer to reply, or send Salesforce voicemail drops in bulk.
4. Automate Interactions Innovatively with Voicemails
Undoubtedly, automated text messages help automate conversations, reduce employee manual intervention, and take brand interaction to the next level. But when it comes to innovative brand interactions, automated voicemails can also be a game-changer for enhancing the customer experience.
When building voice templates for upcoming events and festivals, adding a personalized touch could work to strengthen your brand presence.
Also, you can use voicemails to increase collections by scheduling voice reminders for pending EMIs, and payment due dates. Convenient reminders for renewals, stock replenishment, and appointment would also create and cement better experiences with your brand.
5. Use Voice Drops to Generate Callbacks and Follow-up with Teams at Scale
It could be difficult for upper and middle managers to manage a geographically dispersed team, field sales executives, and teams working remotely. So instead of following up with team members for case progress by calling or sending a text message, it’s better to record a follow-up voice message instantly and send bulk voicemails. This could help you save plenty of time and effort.
Further, there could be important announcements to make to the team members and employees in an organization. For this, senior executives could record a voice message instantly and send batch voicemails to employees without investing too much of their time.
Besides, agents can use voicemails to generate callbacks from receivers in case a call goes unattended. This way, you can make it feasible for customers to call back at a convenient time.
Get 360 SMS Ringless Salesforce Voicemail for Your Business
Voicemails provide you a very convenient and easy way to connect with your audiences without being too intrusive. More importantly, you can convey messages more precisely without being misunderstood and have employees send crucial information in their own voice in a matter of seconds without tying. On top of this, by being ringless Voicemail retains its impact becoming a cause of annoyance. Information stays intact, which could be revisited by recipients in their free-time without tying them up on a call, which is valuable to busy professionals.
The best part is, you don’t need a separate voicemail app or have to pay an additional overhead for a separate integration to enable ringless Salesforce voicemail services in 360 SMS. This Salesforce-native texting app comes with six built-in channels including voicemail which can be distinguished and handled with ease to enable multi-channel support without additional investment.