Salesforce WeChat SMS Integration for Live Chatting

It’s frustrating for WeChat prospects and customers when they have to wait so long to get their questions answered by the sales reps.
This ruins customer experiences and customer satisfaction (CSAT) with your brand.
Even your brand reputation is at stake when customers are unhappy.
For memorable experiences, they look forward to quick responses, which is impossible without WeChat live chat in Salesforce.
Therefore, the Salesforce WeChat integration you choose for your business should provide you with reliable communications capabilities for real-time communications.
Live chatting for WeChat allows you to manage communications well, reducing customer anxiety. You can deliver positive brand experiences by responding to incoming Wechat messages instantly.
A WeChat integration with Salesforce can also provide you with all the best messaging features to improve live messaging so that you can interact with audiences right off the bat.
How your Salesforce WeChat integration Should be for WeChat live chatting
P2P Wechat Messaging
By choosing an ideal Salesforce WeChat SMS integration, you can get all the essential capabilities to chat effectively with audiences in real-time.
With vanilla WeChat integrations, it is usually impossible to chat with multiple customers effectively, as you cannot keep multiple chat tabs open simultaneously.
Also, when you close chat windows, you lose chats, leading to poor interactions because of inaccessible chat history.
An ideal WeChat Salesforce integration for a live chat should allow you to chat conveniently with multiple audiences.
You should be able to keep numerous chat windows open and access chat history to interact in real-time with several prospects and customers simultaneously and conveniently.
You shouldn’t lose chats even when you close chat windows, so you can pick up conversations from where you left them last without losing the essence of interactions.
A2P WeChat Messaging
Consider this:
How difficult would it be to respond immediately to incoming WeChat messages during non-working hours or when an agent is unavailable?
It adversely affects customer experience, making them wait for responses
According to HubSpot research, 90% of customers consider an “immediate” response essential or very important when they have a customer service question.
This is where application-to-person (A2P) comes into play for real-time messaging.
Robust and convenient capabilities for application-to-person (A2P) messaging are something you should get with your Salesforce WeChat integration for live chatting.
It would be even better if you could automate WeChat messages without coding and expert assistance.
You can configure Chatbots or decision trees to automate meaningful interactions and communicate with audiences in real-time when you’re unavailable or when office hours are over.
Instant Notification of WeChat Messages for Immediate Response
Even during working hours, customer-facing agents are often busy, making it difficult to respond immediately to incoming WeChat messages.
But when agents are notified on time about incoming WeChat texts, they can respond without delay.
So, your WeChat integration should get you features to inform agents of every incoming WeChat message and when it was received.
This would help agents prioritize responses and respond faster to WeChat messages.
Be Accessible Round the Clock with Salesforce WeChat live chat for Real-time conversation on WeChat
Integrating Wechat into Salesforce thoughtful is an exponentially rewarding process that makes it easier for you to chat effectively in real-time, whether it is peer-to-peer messaging or application-to-person messaging.
With advanced capabilities, your sales team can immediately respond and serve your potential WeChat customers. Incorporating live chatting is something you can’t afford to miss when focusing on 24*7 availability and enhanced customer experience.
This way, your sales team can be available on WeChat round the clock to address your customer’s concerns and improve your brand reputation.
To dive deeper into what more you can do with WeChat Salesforce for business, turn to our experts at care@360smsapp.com or click here to contact us.