Salesforce WeChat Integration for Marketing Automation

Robust integration should get you powerful capabilities.
While looking for the Salesforce WeChat Integration, surely you wouldn’t want vanilla capabilities like sending and receiving WeChat messages. They’re simply not enough to carry out marketing interactions effectively.
It would be best to have specific abilities to reduce your marketing workload without compromising quality.
By automating interactions at different stages of a customer’s lifecycle, you can tap into deeper marketing conversations and qualify them at every step.
To make this clearer, let’s go over a kind of WeChat Salesforce integration you need to automate WeChat interactions to make marketing more effective and powerful.
What Should you Get with WeChat Salesforce Integration for Effective Automation
Smart Campaigns
Marketing gives you better returns when your intended information reaches and is viewed by recipients.
So, you should be smart enough when running WeChat campaigns and uniquely target audiences.
Salesforce WeChat integration should equip you to connect with audiences on different channels in a single drip campaign besides WeChat. This includes an email also.
This way, you can use WeChat marketing automation in Salesforce for campaigns and target audiences on other communication channels (if a customer is present on multiple channels) to get more responses and returns.
Scalable WeChat Messaging
Marketing initiatives aren’t limited to one or two people. One of the essential purposes of marketing is to improve business outreach. The more people you target, the more leads you generate.
Therefore, scalable WeChat marketing automation in Salesforce is of prime importance to cut back on effort and time. You should be able to automate bulk WeChat messages to connect with millions in one go.
This would prevent you from sending WeChat messages in batches when you intend to convey the same message to a large audience segment.
Surveys and Questionnaires for WeChat
Have you ever thought about what is essential to run more targeted and constructive marketing campaigns?
It’s the actionable data. You should be able to segment your customers and run more targeted WeChat marketing campaigns based on the data.
For this, the ideal WeChat Salesforce integration should enable you to run surveys and questionnaires to collect meaningful data at scale. When it comes to configuring surveys and intelligent texting, you should be self-sufficient.
This would help you collect unique data based on your goal whenever you want to run a marketing or re-marketing campaign.
You can automate the data collection process and later on use it for marketing your business offerings over WeChat.
Triggered Messaging for Instant Response to Marketing Campaigns
You can never delay responding to your audience when customers engage and reply with messages in response to your WeChat marketing campaigns. Else, you could lose a lot of business opportunities.
So Salesforce WeChat for marketing automation should allow you to automate responses with the help of triggered texting.
This way, you can respond immediately to incoming WeChat messages even if you’re not available. You can seize the opportunity right away.
Automate WeChat Marketing Communications and Engage Consistently even When you’re Unavailable
Automating WeChat marketing pursuits reduces the workload of marketers and frees up more time to be more innovative with marketing.
By choosing the best Salesforce WeChat integration for marketing automation, firms can tap into more powerful marketing using advanced automation capabilities. They can schedule WeChat messages by defining dates and times for meaningful conversations, automate responses to marketing campaigns and manage marketing operations much better and faster.
Together, all those effects would accumulate and eventually lead to reduced WeChat marketing turnarounds and better returns.
To dive deeper into how to make the best use of WeChat with the right messaging features, turn to our experts at care@360smsapp.com or click here to contact us.