Skeptical about SMS Marketing in Australia? Here are 4 Reasons to Turn a ‘No’ into a ‘Yes’

Ever-changing trends greatly influence modern marketing strategies. So, audiences expect brands to keep up with the latest marketing trends and deliver quality experiences.
As a part of a customer engagement strategy and advanced marketing, brands in Australia and other countries have started reaching out to customers over the platforms they are already using.
Even the audiences also expect the same from a brand.
But when it comes to the most reliable and effective channel for business communication in Australia, SMS is still at the top of the list.
Why Should you Consider Texting in Australia
Almost Everyone Owns a Mobile Phone in Australia
In 2017, Australia got 18.6 million mobile users, and the user numbers are still rising. Smartphone penetration in Australia stands at 89.9 %.
Besides, according to ACMA, 60% of Australians merely depended on mobile phones for home communication in 2020, and around 70% of Australians between 18-44 age have no fixed line at their home.
The stats show that a majority of users are using mobile phones in Australia and heavily depend on mobile phones even for home communications.
This makes Salesforce SMS marketing in Australia the best marketing tool to connect with Australian audiences.
SMS has High Open Rate Compared to Emails
Emails have been the most traditional form of business communication. But with changing era and increase in the use of mobile phones, emails have taken a back seat in Australia.
As per the Esendex report, the SMS open rate in Australia is 94% which is way more than 34% of emails.
That’s why marketing through SMS in Salesforce in Australia is much more reliable than any other channel. So, you can communicate reliably with audiences and expect a better response for SMS campaigns without worrying about whether your audiences will read SMS or not.
Responses are Better for Text Messaging
Securing more SMS responses is one of the primary goals of marketers. And Salesforce texting helps you get that in Australia.
According to Statista, 96% of users in Australia use their cell phones for texting. The remaining ones use it for other activities like online banking, video chatting, etc.
This shows that messaging is the most popular activity Australians perform over their mobile phones. So, SMS could be a huge advantage for businesses struggling to get responses from customers.
Compliant Texting is a Child’s Play
SMS Compliance is one of the major concerns that lingers on with organizations when opting for text messaging. But compliance in Australia is easy to handle. While texting in Australia, you need to primarily focus on three aspects so that your text messages do not end up in spam folders. These are Consent, Sender identity, and Opt-out option.
So before you start with SMS marketing in Australia, obtain the customer’s consent for texting, use an identifiable sender identity and add a clear opt-out option in your text messages.
Communicate Reliably and Improve Business Outreach
Salesforce SMS marketing in Australia is an effective move that allows businesses to capture the market easily. Besides, it helps businesses to improve business outreach in Australia by connecting with audiences over their ubiquitous devices.
The best part about messaging is marketers get a reliable means to scale communications. This helps them improve responses irrespective of the mobile handset model and internet connectivity.
To know more about how you can make the best out of Salesforce messaging in Australia, get in touch with our experts at care@360smsapp.com or contact us here.