Batch Texting AKA Bulk SMS

On average, people respond to texts in under 90 seconds; for emails, 90 minutes…..

Why is Batch Texting Important?

Batch texting plays an essential role for almost all business enterprises belonging to different or similar size ranges. You won’t be missing out anybody when it would come to sending SMS in bulk if you have already prepared a list for the same. It can be done effortlessly just in a few clicks, so saving much of your time in advance.

You can send text messages in bulk without doing any extra efforts. It allows you to send SMS in bulk with just a few clicks. It can be done in the following three ways:

  • List Views,
  • Campaigns, and
  • SMS from Reports

How Batch Texting with 360 SMS App can help you?

It can be done in three different ways considering your choices for the same.

It saves your time and money simultaneously.

It can be scheduled as per your own convenience.

It allows you to send text message to more than 40,000 records at a single time.

It can be done easily without using any long codes.

It helps to save your time as well as money altogether.

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