One-on-One Conversation through Salesforce Text using 360 SMS Salesforce App

one on one

What one-on-one conversational capabilities mean

to your bottom line.

Respond when interests are still fresh,  just the way customers like it.

Reply and engage over preferred channels to ensure delivery, send multimedia.

Filter responses for faster references & searches.

Stay Alert with refreshes in real or near-real-time.

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Take Control Of the Conversation

  • Switch between multiple channels right from text-bar over SMS, MMS, OTT-platforms, and Voicemail.
  • Access & Share templated messages from folders for approved messages. 
  • Engagement Histories for recorded conversations, previous messages, URL clicks.
  • Switch between chats to multitask between conversations.

Roll-up Separate SMS Conversations to Parent( Master) Conversations

  • See all parallel conversations in one view with separate badges for context.
  • Display all messages sent to a recipient.
  • Schedule different messages for different uses, relationships, and scenarios.
  • Contextual search & discovery for previous messages. With 360’s One-on-One Conversations,

Expect Faster Adoption & Time Savings

  • Criteria-based filter to reduce search time.
  • Familiar Intuitive Interface, Zero Learning Curve.
  • Access complete profiles, Steer individual conversation.
  • Assurance of message delivery to avoid Spamming.
  • Immediate chatting.
  • Reduced navigation effort.
  • Less Ticketing, Lead Debt.
  • Time Savings in message search.
  • Drive down Call Volumes.

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