We’re not a walled garden, we let you keep your old numbers
Other messaging applications may issue new phone numbers or application numbers when you switch to them Keep both your number and provider when you choose us.
You’ve worked hard to cultivate an audience and brand recall. They remember your numbers.
Why throw all of that away?
Bring your own Number
Your existing number gets ported or hosted to 360 SMS
Bring over just SMS capabilities from mobile numbers, fixed line numbers, and virtual numbers (VoIP).
We ‘port’ VoIP too but not Mobile
No vendors ‘port’ mobile numbers. Only fixed line/ landline numbers and virtual numbers (VoIP) are portable. We’re one of few vendors that port VoIP too,
Bring your own Provider
360 SMS supports Salesforce BYOP capability allowing your Provider to come over to 360 SMS
Bring over both SMS and Telephony from fixed line/ landline numbers and virtual numbers (VoIP)
Don’t have a number? We’ll set up one for you
Fixed-line long codes, shortcodes, Free To End User (FTEU) numbers, VoIP. Choose any carrier, any aggregator