GIF Image
Choose who the call goes town agents mark their activity status as away
Push the call to upto 9 phone numbers
Let caller know if lines are busy, closed, or if they should expect a callback.
You can also trigger a custom voicemail to confirm that you’ve acknowledged the call and will get back when you can
Don’t lose opportunity when agents are on their break or vacation

Avoid missed calls
and don’t miss incoming opportunities

Manage availability for customer facing telephonic
conversations with auto forwarding

  • Avoid Poor caller experience, wait times
  • Prevent calls landing on unavailable agents
  • Don’t miss inquiries or tickets from high-value accounts
  • Forward the call to another account manager
  • Increase throughput
This is automated voicemail on call rejection
Use it to reduce customer anxiety and irate customers

“This is Agent Mike from 360.
We are sorry we missed your call.
We’re not in right now,
but we’ll get back to you.

Press 9 on the IVR to schedule a callback.

Press 0 if you want us to call you
during daylight hours in your time-zone”

Modes are updated in the calling queue in real-time to manage and distribute calls through ACD (Automatic Call Distribution)

Calls are only routed to online agents to reduce hold ups and wait-times

Don’t miss anything

Manage and automate conversations when agents are away

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