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DC Blog22

Unleashing the Power of Salesforce Digital Engagement on Steroids (DEOS)

Customers are exposed to highly immediate and personalized experiences due to advanced technology, and therefore, they demand the same from businesses. What is more, there is a shift in demand, which must be addressed by embracing the best solutions that can facilitate effective customer interactions within various businesses. Salesforce Digital Engagement (DE) offers a foundational platform for managing these interactions, but many companies find that the standard DE capabilities fall short of their needs. Enter Salesforce Digital Engagement on Steroids (DEOS), a powerful enhancement designed to overcome the limitations of standard DE and revolutionize customer service.

The Growing Pains of Digital Engagement

The magnitude of customer service issues also tends to increase proportionately with the size of businesses. Messages received across all the channels flood the service teams, which in turn results in delayed replies and unsatisfied customers. Here are some key pain points businesses face with standard Salesforce Digital Engagement:

  1. Manual Handling of Interactions: When the level of automation is modest, many routine operations fall into the hands of customer service staff members, and little time is left to engage in new projects.
  2. Costly Licensing: This revenue model may be problematic since licensing fees are attached to each user, issuing licenses in large numbers is costly, and no free trial is available.  
  3. Channel Limitations: Lack of channels means businesses cannot reach customers using their preferred mode of communication.
  4. Scalability Issues: Limited bulk messaging capabilities hinder large-scale outreach efforts.
  5. Restrictive Automation: Basic automation tools are insufficient for handling complex automation use cases.

Introducing Salesforce Digital Engagement on Steroids (DEOS): A Game Changer

Salesforce Digital Engagement on Steroids (DEOS) addresses these challenges head-on, providing a robust, scalable, and cost-effective solution for modern customer service needs.

Enhanced Automation and AI Integration

One of DEOS’s standout features is its advanced automation capabilities. With DEOS, businesses can automate customer interactions through sophisticated workflows, Flows, APEX classes, or APIs. Users can also use point-and-click automation for simple use cases. This means that certain activities are automated, and therefore, CSRs are spared of mundane duties that could make them unproductive.

Example Use Case: DEOS can be used by an e-commerce company to send automated order status delivery notifications using SMS and WhatsApp, thus eliminating the need for a manual/ administrative touch.

Cost Efficiency and Scalability

DEOS offers a more economical approach to digital engagement. By reducing user license costs and offering bulk messaging capabilities, DEOS makes it feasible for businesses to scale their customer service operations without breaking the bank.

Example Use Case: A retail chain can leverage DEOS to send promotional messages to millions of customers at once, boosting sales without incurring high messaging costs.

True Omnichannel Support

Here, the DEOS approach eliminates the traditional narrow outlook that businesses have when using only a few communication modes available. 

Did you know that a minimum of 8 channels are employed by 51% of firms for engaging with customers? DEOS is compatible and adheres to all types of communication channels that include, but limited to SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, We Chat, Viber, LINE, Telegram, Kakao, Instagram, voice mail, telemarketing and any other.

 Consequently, this helps to guarantee that the businesses can target customers on the platforms that are most convenient for them and a consistent approach.

Example Use Case: Using DEOS, a financial services firm can convey account updates and alerts to clients and can also make sure that the conveyed information reflects what the client desires to receive in terms of notification.

Realizing the Full Potential of DEOS

To fully leverage the capabilities of DEOS, businesses should focus on the following strategies:

Implementing Advanced Analytics

Another enhancement that DEOS offers is  big data analytics that offers extensive insights into customer interactions. Through the identification of click-through rates on links, rates of message opens, and conversion rates, businesses can make the necessary adjustments and enhance the rate of engagement.

Example Use Case: For a marketing agency, the Salesforce digital engagement SMS analytics enables them to determine the performance of SMS campaigns in the form of ROI and the changes that can be made in order to improve the returns.

Leveraging No-Code Automation Tools

Salesforce SMS digital engagement simplifies the setup of automated conversations with no-code chatbots and surveys. This allows businesses to handle routine inquiries and collect valuable feedback without requiring technical expertise.

Example Use Case: A healthcare provider can deploy no-code chatbots to handle appointment bookings and follow-up reminders, improving patient engagement and reducing administrative workload.

Ensuring Compliance and Personalization

Salesforce digital engagement SMS empowers businesses to navigate the complex landscape of texting regulations by providing robust compliance features. Through opt-in and opt-out choices, it is easy to maintain specific customer preferences. Also, the use of custom field options helps to accommodate new legal frameworks easily. Furthermore, the platform is helpful in personalizing marketing messages, making it easier for businesses to pass on relevant and compelling messages to customers.

Example Use Case: An insurance company can use DEOS to send personalized policy updates and renewal reminders, ensuring clients feel valued and informed.

Why DEOS is perfect for you

Though the benefits of Salesforce SMS digital engagement are clear, here are some additional aspects that make DEOS a perfect pick for businesses. 

Upgraded Salesforce Digital Engagement

Integrating DEOS with existing Digital Engagement helps upgrade the capabilities and make them more scalable. Users can easily overcome Salesforce Digital Engagement limitations and make the best out of it.

Training and Adoption

To fully benefit from Salesforce digital engagement SMS, teams no longer need to be trained on its features and capabilities. There’s no need to invest in comprehensive training programs, as DEOS supports high user adoption and an intuitive UI that ensures employees are comfortable using the new tools and can leverage them effectively.

Continuous Optimization

Salesforce SMS digital engagement provides powerful tools, but businesses must continuously monitor and optimize their strategies to maximize benefits. Regularly reviewing analytics and gathering feedback will help in fine-tuning the approach.

The Future of Customer Service with DEOS

Salesforce Digital Engagement on Steroids (DEOS) represents a fundamental transformation in how businesses interact with their customers. It transcends the limitations of standard Digital Engagement. Implemented as a set of sophisticated tools, DEOS equips organizations with the means to transform every facet of customer service and engagement and cohesion of the overall digital strategy with the business goals. But it is not simply the elevation; it is a power play.


Businesses are in constant trouble because customers honestly have little patience, and their expectations keep changing. Salesforce Digital Engagement on Steroids addresses the existing challenges effectively. This makes it an excellent tool to address customer service issues directly. Embrace DEOS and transform your customer service and engagement strategy today.

Unlock DEOS’s full potential and stay ahead of the competition. For expert guidance on implementing DEOS and to see how it can benefit your business, email us at or click here to contact us.

Siddharth Sehgal


Siddharth Sehgal is CEO & Salesforce Communication Guru. He helps businesses grow exponentially by putting their Salesforce CRM on steroids with his unique techniques. He is on a mission to help businesses build deeper relationships with their customers.