Let’s use Artificial Intelligence to Automate messaging compliance

How Does AI-Based Opt-Out Mechanism Help?

Let’s say that earlier, only those customers were opted-out who sent defined opt-out keywords in text like ‘OPT-OUT,’ ‘STOP,’ ‘UNSUB,’ and others.

But with an AI-Based compliance mechanism, your teams are no longer just limited to a keyword-based opt-out mechanism. Instead, now you can automatically opt out people based on their message content.

For example:

If customers send texts like

“Hi, do not send me text messages again.”

“I don't want to receive SMS from you again etc.”

AI identifies such unsubscribe messages and opt-out customers automatically in real-time.

So, even if you’ve automated text messages for a particular customer and that customer opts out, the automated message won’t go out.

Without AI-based unsubscribe capabilities, employees would have to opt-out customers manually after checking each text toaddress opt-out messages without keywords individually.

And don’t forget, a manual combing effort is more prone to human errors.

So, the chances are high that you or your employee might forget or miss to opt-out a person when you or your teams are managing compliance manually.

Some Interesting Results

Based on the interviews with some of our clients that used the AI-based compliance mechanism, here is a surprising outcome they witnessed

Employee efficiency increases by 22.3% due to less manual intervention while managing compliances and directly added more time for high-value tasks.

Complaints about uninvited messages were eliminated by 100%.

Great Company and Team!
The entire team has been great to work with. Responsive and always trying to maximize their product

Verified Review, Excerpted from AppExchange

Wrapping up

As you’ve just seen, an AI-based opt-out compliance mechanism frees youfrom managing opt-outs manually and ensure you cover all ground. As a result, your teams can send text messages without worrying about text compliance or risking financial penalties.

With this AI-based compliance mechanism, you’re now ready to automate the entire opt-out process (whether opt-out SMS contains keywords or not) without any need for manual intervention. Happy Compliance!

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