Enable access to Salesforce and the 360 SMS App from your mobile device

How is the Salesforce1 Mobile App Used by Industry

It is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solution that’s easy to implement.

And even if you’re unable to do it yourself, you do not need to worry as our team of experts is always there to help, and we will do it for you on your behalf.

Assuming the 360 SMS app is installed on your Salesforce CRM, you only need to install the Salesforce 1 app on your mobile phone to access your Salesforce license.

iOS and Android-both phone and tablets users can use the Salesforce mobile app. For iOS, you can download the app from the App Store, and for Android, you can download the app from Google Play.

If you’re facing any issue while downloading the Salesforce app, there are chances that the app installation is blocked due to the org’s security policies. In this case, check with your Salesforce admin.

Once the app is installed on your phone, you can log in using your username and password.

After logging in, you can use the 360 SMS app and access all the Salesforce data on your mobile phone.

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Tips for Better Salesforce Mobile Experience

Tip 1

Enable The Salesforce1 Mobile Browser App for Better Experience

Enabling the Salesforce1 mobile browser app automatically redirects you to the Salesforce1 interface when you log in to Salesforce from a mobile web browser. The Salesforce1 interface is user-friendly and optimized for mobile devices, which provides you seamless user experience. On the contrary, using Salesforce on a mobile web browser may lead to distorted views and complex navigation.

Steps for Enabling the Salesforce1 Mobile Browser App

Log in to Salesforce on your desktop

Navigate to Setup

Under Administration Setup, select Mobile Administration

Select Salesforce

Click Salesforce Settings

Under the Mobile browser app settings section, click on Enable the Salesforce1 Mobile Browser App check box.

Click Save

Tip 2

Turn On Salesforce1 Notifications

Turn on Salesforce1 notifications to enable in-app and push notifications. This way, you can receive push notifications on your mobile device and in the Salesforce1 notification center.

Steps for Enabling In-app and Push Notifications

Navigate to Setup

Click Mobile Administration

Click Notifications

Click Settings

Once you are on the Setting page, select checkboxes to enable in-app and push notifications.

At this point, you should automatically be able to access your Salesforce instance as well as any app features installed on it, like the 360 SMS app. Both Salesforce and its installed apps can be used the same way as teams would remotely and this brings immense power to an agent’s fingertips. However, this works best when the navigation is optimized for a mobile view and quick actions.

Tip 3

Customize Your Mobile Navigation Menu

Intricate navigation while using the mobile app can demotivate you to use the app further. Thus, you can customize the menu for easy navigation.

Steps for Customizing Mobile Navigation Menu

Navigate to Mobile Administration Settings

Select Mobile Navigation

Once you are on the Mobile Navigation page, you can add, remove, and rearrange your menu items at your convenience.

We appreciate the integration with our platform, push notifications on our mobile apps, and the extra mile the support teams went.

Karli Spahr
Verified Review, Excerpted from AppExchange

Some interesting results

It should come as no surprise to hear that in our observations and interviews of clients that use the Salesforce1 mobile app, overall business productivity increases by 30% because of high availability. Employee efficiency increases by 50% for on-ground agents and customer acquisition improves by 40% for our clients. They get faster responses from anywhere the agent is.

So going mobile should definitely be one of the first things on your list to increase responsiveness for clients away from the office desk.

Wrapping Up

So, by following easy DIY steps, you can easily install the Salesforce1 mobile app and get Salesforce on the go. More importantly, teams no longer need to be tied to the desktop to access Salesforce and the apps you have installed

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