Want to Ditch Traditional Salesforce WeChat Messaging? Check This
Every communication channel has its own user base. Some channels are popular in some specific countries, like WeChat. Although WeChat is a popular channel globally, it’s still quite popular among Chinese-speaking audiences. So, if you are planning to expand your business or have already expanded into the Chinese market, WeChat should always be top of mind when building a robust Salesforce communication channel list.
But do you think just having Salesforce WeChat will be enough for robust messaging?
Obviously not. Because the goal is not to connect with audiences over WeChat. Instead, it is to connect with audiences effectively and make an impact with communication.
This is why it is crucial to have an ultimate WeChat Salesforce integration. And this is where 360 SMS ends your search.
This blog will help you discover how to improve your WeChat interactions and what you can do with 360 SMS Salesforce WeChat integration.
Elevating Salesforce WeChat Messaging with 360 SMS

Manage Subscribers and Unsubscribers for WeChat Messaging Hands Down with 360 SMS
Choosing 360 SMS for WeChat Salesforce integration offers users a seamless solution to manage compliance with both existing and emerging texting regulations. Historically, managing compliance has been a major challenge, often requiring businesses to constantly update their systems or adopt new tools to stay compliant. This not only consumes valuable time but also adds complexity to communication management.
360 SMS addresses these challenges with a robust privacy-by-design model that simplifies compliance management. With this solution, users can effortlessly opt-in or out of WeChat messages based on audience preferences, ensuring they adhere to privacy regulations without the need for constant setup changes. This means that businesses can maintain compliance without disrupting their communication workflows.
Additionally, 360 SMS provides the flexibility to add custom fields, allowing users to tailor WeChat compliance management to their unique business needs. This adaptability ensures that as regulations evolve, businesses can easily adjust their compliance strategies without the need for additional tools or complex configurations.
Communicate Effectively with AI-enabled one-on-one Salesforce WeChat Messaging
The auto-suggested responses in one-on-one WeChat messaging offered by 360 SMS Salesforce WeChat integration make a significant change and improvement to customers’ engagement by offering timely and relevant information. This capability uses AI to monitor the current discussions and recommend the best replies to customer questions, thus providing timely and relevant answers. This aspect of communication can be automated, thus cutting down on response time and increasing customer satisfaction and conversion rates. The auto-suggested responses are unique to the respective customer’s requirements and desires, which makes it ideal for increasing intimacy. Implementing this feature within Salesforce saves time and potentially eliminates some tasks, so sales and support teams can address more pressing issues while providing excellent customer service. Last but not least, the auto-suggested responses powered by AI in WeChat messaging result in more leads for businesses since they can communicate with consumers in a more productive manner.
Capture Data through WeChat Surveys and Make Informed Decisions
Surveys are an effective way to collect valuable insights at scale. However, survey construction can sometimes be tedious, expensive, and labour-consuming. 360 SMS’s survey-building feature effectively eradicates such inconveniences, enabling one to develop WeChat surveys seamlessly. With 360 SMS, you can create and launch the survey directly in WeChat and get your customers’ insights without any obstacles.
This makes the process very efficient and effective in terms of time and means that you can easily gather data and make the right decisions that will help in the growth of the business and enhance customer satisfaction. When using 360 SMS for Salesforce WeChat surveys, you can easily customize the questions to meet your needs better so that even more suitable information can be obtained from the audience. It not only optimizes your data gathering but also increases the quality of the information acquired, making business decisions far more effective and valuable.
Make Your WeChat Campaigns More Rewarding by Being Innovative
As opposed to limiting your efforts to a specific channel, you can create campaigns that are fully integrated across different channels so that your message gets out to the audience. This approach helps you extend your coverage and improve the interactions since you engage the audience on their familiar platforms. For instance, you could start a conversation on WeChat and continue it via SMS or complement your WeChat campaigns with targeted messages on Facebook.
Multi-channel campaigns significantly amplify your marketing efforts, driving higher conversion rates and better customer interactions. This way, by making use of every possible channel, your message will reach the target audience, increasing the effectiveness of WeChat campaigns. Not only does this spread out the communication efforts, but it also guarantees a well-coordinated and complete approach to the intended audience, increasing its chances of success and yielding better results.
Filter Keyword-based WeChat Campaign Responses and Reply Faster
Segmenting campaign responses to send follow-up messages can be a daunting task, but with 360 SMS WeChat Salesforce integration, it becomes remarkably efficient. The platform offers the capability to filter keyword-based responses, allowing you to segment your WeChat campaign replies swiftly and accurately.
When running a WeChat campaign, responses can vary widely, making it challenging to categorize them quickly and respond appropriately. 360 SMS simplifies this process by enabling you to set up keyword filters that automatically sort incoming messages based on predefined keywords. This means that instead of manually sorting through each response, the system does the heavy lifting for you, categorizing responses instantly.
Once segmented, you can send subsequent messages more quickly, ensuring that your follow-ups are timely and relevant. This not only enhances the efficiency of your campaign but also improves customer engagement by providing faster, more personalized interactions.
WeChat is already a powerful channel among a huge audience segment. But you can’t afford to carry your communications with ordinary WeChat messaging, especially when you are looking forward to making an impact with your Salesforce WeChat interactions. Therefore, to fill out the messaging gaps in your WeChat messaging, Salesforce WeChat integration using 360 SMS offers you various advanced features like AI-powered one-on-one communication, an advanced compliance mechanism, and much more. This way, you can easily ditch traditional WeChat messaging and new dimensions to WeChat texting. Reach out to our experts at care@360smsapp.com or click here to contact us and make your WeChat messaging more constructive.