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Salesforce CTI integration

A Travel Firm Optimized Its Travel Operations Using 360 CTI. Find out How?

Efficient call communication not only helps you streamline your business operations but also opens doors for new opportunities by improving customer service and maximizing customer satisfaction.

Firms familiar with the impact of effective call interactions are already making the most of the calling solution. An advanced Salesforce CTI integration can be severely transformative for any business, no matter the vertical.

This is not just a random statement; we’ve got a real-life success story of a travel company that opted for CTI integration in Salesforce using 360 CTI to optimize its operations.

In this blog, we will discuss how 360 CTI helped a travel company overcome various challenges and streamline its travel operations.

Company Overview:

Founded in India, which is a part of the Asia Pacific region, this company is redefining travel around the world to several places. Since it was created as an online marketplace that focuses on technology, it provides various types of tours and activities to fit the needs of visitors.

This company specializes in providing travelers with clean, well-coordinated, and well-constructed activities that are easy to search for and book. Regardless of whether the traveler is seeking his next thrill or a stress-free cultural trip, they offer a wide selection that includes every single thing a traveler would require.

Problems Reported Prior to Opting for 360 CTI for Salesforce CTI Integration 

1. Fragmented Communication: Bridging the Gap Between Frontline Staff and Reservations Team

The travel company faced fragmented communication between frontline staff and the reservations team, leading to inconsistent service and misunderstandings. Relaying real-time information was challenging, resulting in a lack of coordination and affecting customer experience.

2. Inefficient Call Handling: Streamlining Reservation Processes for Enhanced Customer Experience, Managing Customer Expectations

When calls are mishandled, it leads to long customer wait times on hold and customer annoyance. The reservation process was not streamlined, making it difficult to manage peak times and meet customer expectations, ultimately leading to missed opportunities and dissatisfaction.

3. Limited Insights and Reporting: Gaining Actionable Data for Performance Analysis, Previous Systems and Their Shortcomings

There was very little visibility available from existing systems and very poor reporting that severely hampered performance analysis. The absence of actionable insights prevented effective monitoring of KPIs, identification of customer behavior, and decision-making.

4. Siloed Communication Channels: Disconnected Phone Systems and Reservation Platforms

Siloed communication channels resulted in disconnected phone systems and reservation platforms, causing inefficiencies and potential errors. Agents had to switch between systems, leading to a fragmented customer experience and cumbersome internal communication.

5. Manual Data Entry and Call Logging: Time-consuming Processes and Potential Errors

The traditional paper-based records like data entry and call logging were very tedious and prone to several errors. These tasks required too much of the agent’s time, resulting in low efficiency and many mistakes. Errors while entering the data manually further impacted customer communications and reservations.

Solutions Implemented

Implementing Salesforce and 360 CTI: Unifying Communication and Customer Data

The travel company opted for CTI integration in Salesforce to unify communication channels and customer data seamlessly. This Salesforce-native CTI required no extensive setup, simplifying operations, and enhancing service delivery.

Leveraging a CTI Optimized for Teams: Real-time Insights and Efficient Call Handling

By using a team-optimized CTI, staff gained real-time insights and efficient call-handling capabilities, reducing response times and improving customer experiences.

Innovative Solutions and Unique Applications

Screen Pop and Call Routing: Personalized Service

Screen pop and call routing provided agents with instant customer information, allowing for personalized service and quicker resolutions based on customer history.

Click-to-Dial and Power Dialing: Streamlined Reservations

Click-to-dial and power-dialing features streamlined the number-dialing process to make calls, saving time by eliminating the need to press each digit one by one. As a result, agents could take more calls.  

Real-time Call Monitoring and Whispering: Quality Service

Real-time call monitoring and whispering made it possible for higher authorities to monitor agents’ on-call performance and guide them wherever needed without letting the caller know. This helps ensure that every call is managed effectively.

Critical Capabilities and Standout Features

Screen Pop and Call Notes: Seamless Handovers

Screen pop functionality and detailed call notes ensured every interaction was recorded and accessible, facilitating seamless handovers and personalized customer experiences.

Call Analytics and Reporting: Performance Insights

Robust call analytics and reporting provided insights into agent performance and customer behavior, helping the travel company optimize operations and improve service quality.

Automation and Scalable Call Management: Consistent Service

Automation features enabled scalable call management, efficiently handling high call volumes and ensuring consistent service through automated workflows and accurate logging.

Why The Travel Firm Opted for Salesforce CTI Integration Using 360 CTI

  • Enhanced team connectivity, improving communication and workflow efficiency among teams.
  • More satisfied customers due to tailored interactions and on-time service to customers.
  • Seamless, quick integration, and immediate operational efficiency.

360 CTI’s Impact on Business

Improved Customer Service

360 CTI provides powerful Salesforce CTI integration and enhances customer service by enabling skill-based call handling and personalized interactions. Agents can efficiently handle calls tailored to each customer’s needs and preferences, leading to higher satisfaction levels and improved customer experiences. And when we talk about CX, people are eager to pay more to brands that provide good customer experiences, and this is admitted by 68% of the people.

Increased Reservation Conversion

By opting for Salesforce CTI integration using 360 CTI, the travel company enjoys increased reservation conversion rates. This is because the call efficiency is heightened, and communications are more tailored. Customer bookings also increased due to the improved service, which makes the business experience higher revenue growth.

Enhanced Staff Productivity

360 CTI implementation minimized call length and optimized operations, thus improving staff efficiency. It means that the agents can manage more calls in a given period and therefore, handle more inquiries within the same amount of time. This enhances staff general productivity and also helps to increase efficiency in the functioning process.

Outcomes Reported

Increase in Reservation Conversions

Customer interactions are more personal, with efficient click-to-dial and power dialing in Salesforce environments. This leads to a highly improved reservation ratio, as customers are inclined to make bookings.

Reduction in Call Duration

360 CTI’s skill-based routing directs calls to the right agent quickly, reducing wait times. Access to call notes and customer history during calls further enhances efficiency, reducing overall call duration and boosting staff productivity.

Revenue Growth

The travel company enhances customer service and reservation conversion by adopting Salesforce and 360 CTI. This leads to higher levels of customer retention and more business, ultimately translating into major revenues.


The adoption of 360 CTI integration in Salesforce significantly changed the capabilities of the travel firm, fixing core communication issues and opening up many opportunities. The features regarding integration, customer service, reservation conversion rate, and staff efficiency clearly implied that 360 CTI was a game changer for the company. With the use of progressive approaches and enhanced functionalities, the firm enhanced its dominance in the travel service sector and laid the foundation for future achievements. Want to harness the power of advanced CTI for your business? Reach out to our experts at or click here to contact us.

Siddharth Sehgal


Siddharth Sehgal is CEO & Salesforce Communication Guru. He helps businesses grow exponentially by putting their Salesforce CRM on steroids with his unique techniques. He is on a mission to help businesses build deeper relationships with their customers.