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Salesforce CTI integration

Want to Improve Agents’ On-call Performance? Switch to 360 CTI

Calls have always been an important part of people’s lives. Even according to a Survey, 48% of local information seekers called a business or service provider after looking for some information online. Thus, better call handling should always be a priority. 

Now, imagine a typical day in a calling agent’s life. The day starts with calls and ends with calls. The agent is dedicated to his calling tasks and even succeeds in making the maximum number of calls in a day.

But what about on-call performance and closures?

That’s where the tangible evidence of the agents’ calling efforts is revealed.

Despite multiple calls and dedication, you witness the unsatisfactory on-call performance of agents. Do you think this is solely the agents’ fault?

Not really. 

Every agent has their own style of handling calls. If you want them to handle those calls in a particular way or perform better on calls, you should be equipped with the right tools and technologies to offer required assistance wherever needed.

This is where the need for an advanced Salesforce telephony integration arises.

And when we talk about an advanced calling solution we can’t skip the 360 SMS CTI.

Want to know why?

In this blog, we will explore how agents can perform better and close more deals over calls with advanced Salesforce CTI integration capabilities. Let’s start.

Advanced Salesforce CTI Integration for Better Call Management

The right assistance at the right time can make a huge difference in your call operations. 

Picture this:  An agent is handling a call smoothly but suddenly he get stuck on a particular question while providing assistance. Don’t you think this is not less than a nightmare for any agent. Yes of course it is. This is just one crucial instance of poor on-call performance.

Let’s see how such instances can be avoided in the future with the help of Salesforce Telephony integration.

Call Barging

Call barging is an essential capability that allows senior authorities such as managers and team leaders to discreetly listen in on-call conversations between agents and prospects without their knowledge. This functionality of Salesforce telephony integration significantly contributes to improving the on-call performance of agents in various ways. 

Firstly, it facilitates quality control since the supervisors can easily determine if employees follow the company’s guidelines and meet the appropriate standard of customer service.

Second, it is effective in providing quality training and assistance because managers can monitor staff performance directly and provide suggestions as needed. Moreover, call barging helps to provide timely assistance during such a complex conversation, ensuring that customer questions are addressed properly. Further, it aids in tracking the levels of compliance to set rules and regulations and helps avoid risks for the firm.

Finally, it permits assessing trends and long-term agent performance, enabling the necessary improvements when a specific need arises, thus enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of call center operations.

Call Whispering

Call whispering is another capability that allows senior authorities to intervene discreetly and whisper, which only agents can listen to, but the receiver on the other end can’t. 

This feature allows the manager to provide real-time guidance, suggestions, or instructions directly to the agent without the customer being aware of the interaction. By whispering, only the agent can hear the manager’s input while the customer continues the conversation without any interruption. This capability significantly enhances the on-call performance of agents in several ways. 

One of the most critical uses of call whispering is to provide instantaneous support and assistance to agents in the event of a daunting situation or when they require guidance on how to manage certain customer inquiries or problems.

Second, this one also makes an effective training tool, allowing supervisors to provide struggling agents with positive feedback and coaching tips right away to improve their skills and performance on the spot.

Furthermore, it allows managers to maintain standards of customer service and compliance with organizational policies and procedures, as the manager can intervene and address any inconsistencies directly. In general, call whispering positively affects call quality and agents’s productivity which in turn increases customer satisfaction and the rate of retention.

Call Conferencing

Call conferencing is not a new term that needs introduction. We all know that this feature allows to add a third person to an ongoing call, facilitating the addition of several individuals to a single call. This capability plays a crucial role in enhancing the on-call performance of agents in several ways. 

Primarily, it provides an effective engagement capability for problem resolution and collaboration. For instance, through tapping into supervisors or subject matter experts to join in complex customer queries to find solutions. Through this feature, customers are provided with timely and broad-ranging assistance and therefore, their level of satisfaction gets better.

Furthermore, conference calls empower agents to transfer calls with enough efficiency when they can’t sufficiently handle them on their own than just sending them to various departments for clarifications. They can address the concerns of customers more successfully by having the right people involved in the discussion, thus eliminating the need for a transfer or failed callbacks.

Additionally, call conferencing serves as a valuable training opportunity for agents, as they can observe how more experienced colleagues handle challenging situations or interact with customers, thereby learning new techniques and best practices in real-time. Overall, call conferencing enhances the efficiency, effectiveness, and professionalism of on-call interactions, contributing to a positive customer experience and higher levels of customer loyalty and retention.

Call Transfer

Again, this is another feature that an advanced Salesforce and CTI integration offers to handle calls effectively. With the help of call transfer, an agent can transfer a call to the right person or department based on the customer’s query. This helps to manage queries effectively. In this case, we cannot doubt the expertise of an expert. 

Thanks to the ability to rapidly direct customers to the appropriate person, who can help with quick answersg and correct guidance, resulting in reduced delays and better service quality. Hence, skillful and knowledgeable agents are capable of correctly handling the nuances of complex queries. Not only this, but call transfer makes it possible to forward unresolved matters to be dealt with on a higher level, which indicates a responsive attitude and assurance of superior customer service at each step. The call transfers play an important role in making clients happy and keeping them loyal by utilizing the expertise of the representatives.

Salesforce CTI Integration is Transformative with 360 SMS

Transitioning to CTI in360 SMS offers a transformative solution to enhancing agents’ on-call performance. With its comprehensive suite of capabilities, including call barging, whispering, conferencing, and seamless call transfer, agents always have the tools they need to excel in customer interactions. By leveraging these features, businesses can streamline operations, ensure efficient call handling, and ultimately elevate the quality of service provided to customers. Make the switch to 360 CTI today and unlock the full potential of your call center operations. Drop us a line at or click here to contact us.

Siddharth Sehgal


Siddharth Sehgal is CEO & Salesforce Communication Guru. He helps businesses grow exponentially by putting their Salesforce CRM on steroids with his unique techniques. He is on a mission to help businesses build deeper relationships with their customers.