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5 Ways to Use 360 SMS for Generating More Leads for Business

Salesforce SMS solution

5 Ways to Use 360 SMS for Generating More Leads for Business

The good number of business leads is one of the primary concerns for business owners. To resolve this concern, they continue to try out new methods for effective and efficient communication using Salesforce. But lead generation is not as easy as we think. It needs a lot of effort, agility, and innovative approaches to think out of the box and grab every opportunity that can help you generate business leads for business. 

360 SMS can be your best bet here, as it offers several advanced features for effective Salesforce communications.

In this blog, we will discuss the five best ways to use 360 SMS, a Salesforce SMS solution, to generate leads. Not only we will also discuss one way to generate quality leads and one way to improve Pardot communications.

Making Way for Lead Generation with 360 SMS Salesforce SMS Solution

#1 Segment Audiences and Target Different Channels of 360 SMS

360 SMS app on Appexchange is no less than a perfect multichannel app. Segmenting audiences and targeting different channels with 360 SMS is a sure way to enhance a business’s lead generation. Target marketing can be used to segment your audience depending on certain demographic, behavioral, or choice variables by developing particular messages that meet their needs. This personalized approach makes it easier to capture the attention of the target group as it unwraps content that is initially appealing to the target customers.

Utilizing the diverse channels offered by 360 SMS—such as SMS, MMS, Viber, Facebook Messenger, CTI, Instagram, WeChat, Line, Kakao, Ringless Voicemail, and WhatsApp—allows you to reach your audience where they are most active. For instance, though one segment would always choose the short updates that they receive through text or MMS, another segment is likely to respond more to detailed interaction through such platforms as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Instagram. It’s a multiple-channel approach that ensures that your targeted message gets to the many probable consumers, hence improving awareness and response.

Furthermore, 360 SMS’s tracking and analytics options give you an understanding of the effectiveness of particular channels and specific messages in generating leads, which can further be adapted to fit your needs. Indeed, it is more effective if aimed at specific parts of the population, backed by data, and results in better sales conversion, ultimately fostering business development.

#2 Send the Best Responses with AI while Chatting One-On-One Using 360 SMS Salesforce SMS Solution

When it comes to AI-powered texting, users can count on the 360 SMS app on AppExchange. Employing the use of AI to send out the right response or auto-suggested reply when two individuals are chatting increases the possibility of lead generation for businesses. Responsible communication derived from AI guarantees educating customers with timely and accurate information relevant to their insights, enhancing their experience. If potential leads can relate to a message and feel they are appreciated or important, then they can be anticipated to respond in a positive manner and progress through the funnel.

Some of the benefits of utilizing AI include its ability to adapt to the context of the conversation with each lead in order to respond relevant information to his or her inquiries. This level of personalization forges a bond of trust and familiarity most possible prospects are willing to put into consideration various products or services being offered to them. Also, as AI can respond to frequently asked questions with zero fragmentation from the sales team, those skilled professionals can devote quality time to dealing with more complex conversations.

Using AI tools to provide continuous, high-quality interactions with potential consumers puts businesses in a better position to manage and cultivate leads properly, improving conversion rates and business growth.

#3 Prioritize Responses to Long-Pending Unattended Messages to Avoid Missing Opportunities

Responding promptly to inbound Salesforce text messages is crucial for maximizing conversions and minimizing response times for support cases. Delays in text responses can result in lost opportunities, which is why prioritizing important incoming messages is essential. The Utility Bar in 360 SMS helps businesses achieve this by displaying all unread messages in a prioritized order, using color coding to indicate urgency.

This capability helps users ensure that messages are not left unattended for too long and are responded to before it is too late and the opportunity is missed. Utility Bar makes it possible for users to manage their communication process because they can receive new messages and answer them without leaving the page, saving a considerable amount of time. Users can quickly access their messages to read or reply, ensuring efficient communication management.

By facilitating faster and more organized responses, the Utility Bar enables businesses to capitalize on opportunities more effectively, leading to improved customer satisfaction and a higher generation of leads.

#4 Don’t Keep on Changing and Using New Numbers for Texting. Be Consistent

Consistency in using the same phone number for texting can significantly aid in lead generation. When businesses maintain a consistent texting number, it builds trust and familiarity with recipients. This consistency ensures that recipients recognize messages from the same source, reducing the likelihood of them ignoring or mistaking texts as spam. Moreover, using a consistent number enables users to track communication history and reconnect with previous interactions without mental gymnastics. 

This continuity also simplifies the process for recipients who may need to reference previous messages or responses, facilitating smoother and more productive conversations. Ultimately, maintaining a consistent Salesforce texting number establishes a reliable communication channel that enhances engagement and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

#5 A Tip for Pardot Users:

Pardot SMS integration offers a powerful strategy to boost lead generation efforts. By incorporating SMS, businesses can capitalize on its immediate and direct communication capabilities to engage leads more effectively. SMS enjoys higher open rates and quicker response times compared to email, ensuring that people view your messages faster and respond promptly. Moreover, you can use Pardot’s robust segmentation and personalization features for SMS campaigns, allowing for targeted messaging based on lead behavior, preferences, or demographics.

This personalized approach not only enhances engagement but also increases the likelihood of conversions. Additionally, real-time interaction facilitated by SMS enables seamless follow-ups on leads’ actions or interests, nurturing them through the sales funnel more efficiently. By opting for Pardot SMS integration, businesses can gain comprehensive insights through unified campaign analytics, enabling continuous optimization and improved ROI across their marketing efforts.


There can be multiple effective ways to increase the inflow of leads with 360 SMS using the Salesforce SMS solution. Whether it is about winning customers’ trust to drive responses or targeting a unique user base of a different channel, you can easily do all this with the help of the 360 SMS app on AppExchange. With its powerful and thoughtful capabilities, it lets you work on trivial aspects that can hamper your lead-generation efforts. In the concern of Pardot, Pardot SMS integration is also a productive move to improve outreach. This way, it has it paves the way to generate more opportunities for your business and drive more conversions. Are you ready to boost lead inflow for your business? Reach out to our experts at or click here to contact us.

Siddharth Sehgal


Siddharth Sehgal is CEO & Salesforce Communication Guru. He helps businesses grow exponentially by putting their Salesforce CRM on steroids with his unique techniques. He is on a mission to help businesses build deeper relationships with their customers.

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