Salesforce messaging

Secured App 1

08 Sep: Just How Secure Are Serverless Apps?

Just How Secure Are Serverless Apps? Data security has always been one of the prime concerns that organizations face. Thus, organizations look for apps that can help to protect customer’s confidential information or data. This is where the serverless architecture of apps can help organizations. Even when it comes to…

Native apps

05 Jul: Serverless Native Apps: Pros & Cons

Serverless Native Apps: Pros & Cons Quick and seamless business operations lead to better efficiency of employees. The better and advanced processes one has in place, the more convenience it adds to users. And the perfect instance of this is Serverless Native Apps. On the contrary, the serverless architecture of…

Messaging Routines

03 Jun: A Comparison of SMS Messaging Routines: Bulk SMS v. Batch SMS v. SMS Campaigns v. Conversational SMS Text

Bulk SMS v. Batch SMS v. SMS Campaigns v. Conversational SMS Text A scalable and convenient interaction channel is key to effective communication. Quick response rate and the high open rate has turned text messages into a reliable and effective communication channel to interact at scale. With texts, organizations can…